Wishing everyone good health and peaceful homebound contentedness during these unusual times. We have been sheltering in place here in San Francisco for about two weeks now and many of my in-person students have now returned to lessons online. I am now extending the online lesson platform to new students, as well.
Over the years, I’ve been asked about this type of learning and wasn’t prepared for it at the time. I’m currently having a Covid-19 crash course in online communication – webinars for music teachers, tons of trade articles and chats with my colleagues - I must say I’ve learned a lot these past few weeks!
There are certainly new challenges and with those come new opportunity. While nothing quite replaces an in-person drum lesson, I feel like my current students are learning and thriving in our online environment.
This is an exciting time in terms of innovations and we have so many new communication technologies available. There are a multitude of ways to learn and grow while we are at home. I plan on continuing to learn and improve my online teaching skills and I hope that all drummers will continue to use all that the universe has to offer. Let’s all be kind and keep enjoying the drums, creating music and learning during these unprecedented times.
Wishing you and yours well,